Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Spinach and Mushroom Omelet

I'm down 50lbs! Finally! It's taken a while, but it's been worth it. I love being able to fit into a size L, versus an XL or XXL. I'm also down from a pants size 18w to a 16 as well. I use the Lose It! app to keep track of calories, and it's made me make healthier choices. It's also made me realize that the portions don't have to be huge, and if I want to feel full, just load up on the vegetables! Instead of a candy bar, say a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup (200 calories for 2 cups) I could eat a whole nectarine for 62. Tasty, and healthy! Though it was hard to come to that realization...Reese's are delicious as well.

On my days off, I love getting up and making breakfast. On days I work, it's usually a quick bowl of oatmeal before I'm off to work. When I get the chance to cook, I take it! This is one of my favorite things to make! It's quick, and needs very little prep work.

Spinach and Mushroom Omelet
Serves 2

Calories 150 | Fat 0 | Chol 0 | Sodium 615mg | Carb 14g | Protein 24g

What you'll need:
1-8oz package portabella mushrooms
2 c. packed spinach leaves
1 c. egg substitute, divided
1/2c. Fat-free cheddar cheese, divded

In a large pan, add mushrooms and 2 tbsp water. Saute for 2-3 minutes, and add spinach leaves. Continue to saute until leaves are wilted, set aside.

Coat a small frying pan with nonstick spray, and heat over medium heat. Add 1/2 c. of the egg substitute. When it begins to take form, run your spatula through the eggs to allow the wet eggs to run underneath the cooked eggs. You can also tilt the omelet at the edges to let the uncooked drain underneath.

When cooked, add 1/4 c. cheese and removed from heat. Transfer the omelet to a plate, and add spinach and mushrooms. Fold over, and enjoy! (And be like me...add a slice of toast with apple butter!)

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